Ex.1. Выберите правильный вариант, предложение запишите в тетрадь, выполните перевод предложения на русский язык, графически выделите прилагательное или наречие, с которым поработали. 1. I hope you know him well (better, more well) than anybody else. 2. He spoke English badly (worse, more badly) than I thought. 3. I can’t understand what you’re saying. Could you speak a bit (slowlier, more slowly)? 4. A snail is (slower, more slow) than a tortoise. 5. I am very fat and I know I must eat (less, least). 6. This is (shortest, the shortest) way to the center. 7. I’d like to change mobile phones (oftener, more often). 8. Yesterday I came home (early, earlier) than usual. 9. If you want to find your way (easilier, more easily), you should buy a map. 10. It is (easy, easier) to learn poems when you are younger.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex.1. Выберите правильный вариант, предложение запишите в тетрадь, выполните перевод предложения на русский язык, графически выделите прилагательное или наречие, с которым поработали.
1. I hope you know him well (better, more well) than anybody else.
2. He spoke English badly (worse, more badly) than I thought.
3. I can’t understand what you’re saying. Could you speak a bit (slowlier, more slowly)?
4. A snail is (slower, more slow) than a tortoise.
5. I am very fat and I know I must eat (less, least).
6. This is (shortest, the shortest) way to the center.
7. I’d like to change mobile phones (oftener, more often).
8. Yesterday I came home (early, earlier) than usual.
9. If you want to find your way (easilier, more easily), you should buy a map.
10. It is (easy, easier) to learn poems when you are younger.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



2.worse than i thought

3.bit slowlier



6.the shortest

7.more often


9more easily


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