Correct the mistakes 1. your homework must finish by Monday 2. The house in been decorated recently 3. Mike has been tell about his new school. 4. The letters were being opened every moming in the office 5. The woman seen taking the children to school

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Correct the mistakes
1. your homework must finish by Monday
2. The house in been decorated recently
3. Mike has been tell about his new school.
4. The letters were being opened every moming in the office
5. The woman seen taking the children to school

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) Your homework must be finished by Monday. 2) The house has been decorated recently. 3) Mike has told us about his new school. 4) The letters are opened in the office every morning. 5) The woman is seen when taking the children to school.

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