Complete these sentences with the first, second or third conditional form. 1) You……(get) a pneumonia if you…..(not change) your wet clothes. 2) She was sent to prison because she refused to play the fine; if she…..(pay) the fine she….(not be) sent to prison. 3) If i…(have) lots of money, I…..(drink) champagne with every meal. 4) Unless Tom……(take) his library book back tomorrow he…..(have) to pay the fine. 5) If the film……..(not be) so boring we……..(not leave), but film was terrible. 6) They……(miss) the connection if the flight…….(not leave) on time. 7) If the band……..(give) a concert here, all my friends……(go). But no one has said a word about it yet. 8) You…..(get) tickets unless you…..(get) to the stadium early. 9) You are a bit fat. If I…….(be) you I………(exercise) more. 10) Why didn’t you tell me? If I………(know) you were in hospital I………..(visit) you.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete these sentences with the first, second or third conditional form.
1) You……(get) a pneumonia if you…..(not change) your wet clothes.
2) She was sent to prison because she refused to play the fine; if she…..(pay) the fine she….(not be) sent to prison.
3) If i…(have) lots of money, I…..(drink) champagne with every meal.
4) Unless Tom……(take) his library book back tomorrow he…..(have) to pay the fine.
5) If the film……..(not be) so boring we……..(not leave), but film was terrible.
6) They……(miss) the connection if the flight…….(not leave) on time.
7) If the band……..(give) a concert here, all my friends……(go). But no one has said a word about it yet.
8) You…..(get) tickets unless you…..(get) to the stadium early.
9) You are a bit fat. If I…….(be) you I………(exercise) more.
10) Why didn’t you tell me? If I………(know) you were in hospital I………..(visit) you.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Unless your friend has an invitation, he will not be able to go to the party.

2. She will late for the lesson if she doesn’t leave earlier.

3. If you are angry, they will not let you in the house.

4. He will not open the book unless he knows what tasks to do.

5. We shall have to stay home if the weather gets worse.

6. Unless you are more careful with the knife, you will cut yourself.

7. If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep it?

8. If my mother does not have to work next weekend, we will be able to go to the funfair.


Схема построения условных предложений типа First Conditional:

           [If + Present Simple], + [Future Simple]    

либо   [Future Simple]  +  [If + Present Simple]

В условной части (где «если») глагол в Настоящем Простом времени, в результативной части — глагол в Будущем Простом.

Надеюсь помогла =)

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