Complete the sentences,with the correct form ot go or come 1)Why don ‘t you _____over tomorrow night? 2)l wonder if l‘ll _____to America 3)I ‘m so glad Fran will be____out with me on Friday 4)Are you _____to Kate s party on Saturday?I‘m taking my new boyfriend 5)Wouldn‘t you just love to ____on a safari?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences,with the correct form ot go or come
1)Why don ‘t you _____over tomorrow night?
2)l wonder if l‘ll _____to America
3)I ‘m so glad Fran will be____out with me on Friday
4)Are you _____to Kate s party on Saturday?I‘m taking my new boyfriend
5)Wouldn‘t you just love to ____on a safari?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык






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