Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in blue in the text. 1. Can you _ what the homework is tonight?2. I _ ten English irregular verbs every night. 3. The girl said the poem _.4. My mum’s almost got a _. She sees something and remembers it.5. I’ve got a terrible _. I forget everything. 6. My friend once _ the alphabet from Z to A.помогите пожалуйста​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in blue in the text. 1. Can you _ what the homework is tonight?
2. I _ ten English irregular verbs every night.
3. The girl said the poem _.
4. My mum’s almost got a _. She sees something and remembers it.
5. I’ve got a terrible _. I forget everything.
6. My friend once _ the alphabet from Z to A.
помогите пожалуйста​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Complete sentences with words or phrases highlighted in blue in the text.

1. Can you make irregular verbs every night.

3. The girl said the poem to me

4. My mother almost received a letter. She sees something and remembers it.

5. I have a terrible memory

6. My friend once read the alphabet from Z to A.


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