complete the sentences with the correct prepositiosПомогитe мнe пожалуйста!!!1. I caught the earlier train__chance. It had been delayed2.I’ve lost all my essay notes. Now I’ll have to start again__scratch.3.I had to travel to the job interview__my own expense.4.We decided to eat out last night__a change.5.I was__trouble after having a party.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

complete the sentences with the correct prepositios
Помогитe мнe пожалуйста!!!
1. I caught the earlier train__chance. It had been delayed
2.I’ve lost all my essay notes. Now I’ll have to start again__scratch.
3.I had to travel to the job interview__my own expense.
4.We decided to eat out last night__a change.
5.I was__trouble after having a party.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 by chance

2 from scratch

3 at

4 for

5 in

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