Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in the past (was, were, wasn’t or weren’t).СРОЧНО!!!! Maggie in class yesterday because she was really sick. It Christmas Eve last Thursday and many shops open that day. Sam is five now. He four last year. you in France last month? — No, I . Mike and Bob just classmates. They best friends. They did everything together. We happy to stay at that hotel. The room small and the walls very dirty. Pete and Maggie pupils five years ago, but now they are students.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in the past (was, were, wasn’t or weren’t).СРОЧНО!!!!

in class yesterday because she was really sick.

Christmas Eve last Thursday and many shops

open that day.
Sam is five now. He

four last year.

you in France last month? — No, I

Mike and Bob

just classmates. They

best friends. They did everything together.

happy to stay at that hotel. The room

small and the walls

very dirty.
Pete and Maggie

pupils five years ago, but now they are students.

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