Complete the sentences with the correct form of be (am, is, are, isn’t, aren’t). 1. My brother seventeen, he is fifteen! 2. You in my class. You’re in 2b. 3. Elijah Wood my favourite actor. 4. The concert on Saturday, it’s on Friday. 5. They _ my friends. Their names are Rosa and Lucy. 6. I _ at school today. 7. I a doctor, I’m a teacher.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct form of be (am, is, are, isn’t, aren’t). 1. My brother seventeen, he is fifteen! 2. You in my class. You’re in 2b. 3. Elijah Wood my favourite actor. 4. The concert on Saturday, it’s on Friday. 5. They _ my friends. Their names are Rosa and Lucy. 6. I _ at school today. 7. I a doctor, I’m a teacher.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) My brother isn’t seventeen, he is fifteen!

2) You aren’t in my class, you’re in 2b.

3) Elijah Wood is my favourite actor.

4) The concert isn’t on Saturday, it’s on Friday.

5) They are my friends. Their names are Rosa and Lucy.

6) I’m at school today.

7) I’m not a doctor, I’m a teacher.


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