Complete the sentences in Past Perfect or Past Simple: 1) After the doctor …..(prescribe) me a treatment, I ….. (go) to the chemist’s. 2) Tom ….. (not study) German before he …… (visit) Berlin. 3) Kate ….. (have) a sore throat for a week before her mum ….. (call) the doctor. 4) He ….(get) a gold medal because he …. (train) a lot.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences in Past Perfect or Past Simple: 1) After the doctor …..(prescribe) me a treatment, I ….. (go) to the chemist’s. 2) Tom ….. (not study) German before he …… (visit) Berlin. 3) Kate ….. (have) a sore throat for a week before her mum ….. (call) the doctor. 4) He ….(get) a gold medal because he …. (train) a lot.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) had prescribed; went

2) had not studied; visited

3) had had; called

4) got; had trained


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