Complete the letter with the words in the box. Don’t forget. I can. I hope you. I look forward. Most students. There are. Welcome to. you don’t have to. You have to 1 …. St Mary’s Secondary School! I’m your English guide! 2…. show you around the school and answer your questions. 3 …..enjoy your year here. 4 ….. be at school before 8.30. Lessons start at 9.00 after assembly. 5 …. five lessons in the morning, with a break between 10.15 and 10.35. Lunch is at 1.00. 6 ….buy lunch in the canteen. But 7 …… – some students bring sandwiches. There are three lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at 3.40. 8 …….to meeting you. Bye for now. Jane P.S. We have P.E. on Mondays. 9 ….your kit

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the letter with the words in the box.
Don’t forget. I can. I hope you. I look forward.
Most students. There are. Welcome to.
you don’t have to. You have to

1 …. St Mary’s Secondary School! I’m your
English guide! 2…. show you around the
school and answer your questions. 3
…..enjoy your year here.
4 ….. be at school before 8.30. Lessons
start at 9.00 after assembly. 5 …. five lessons
in the morning, with a break between 10.15 and 10.35.
Lunch is at 1.00. 6 ….buy lunch in the canteen.
But 7 …… – some students bring sandwiches.
There are three lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at 3.40.
8 …….to meeting you.
Bye for now.
P.S. We have P.E. on Mondays. 9 ….your kit

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Welcome to

2. I can

3. I hope you

4. You have to

5. There are

6. Most students

7. you don’t have to

8. I look forward

9. Don’t forget

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