Complete the following sentences with nouns formed from the words given on the right. 1. We know nothing about his …, it may be no more than a gossip. 2. Does she always speak with that air of …? 3. They gave me a definite … that the money order will be received by 2 o’clock. 4. She thinks herself to be the very … of beauty and wit. 5. Who will cover all their travelling …? 6. She has enough … to win anyone over. 7. To our great …, it started to rain. 8. We resent your … that the debt should be paid at once dismiss, finally, assure, perfectly, expensive, charming, disappointed, insist

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the following sentences with nouns formed from the words given on the right.
1. We know nothing about his …, it may be no more than a gossip.
2. Does she always speak with that air of …?
3. They gave me a definite … that the money order will be received by 2 o’clock.
4. She thinks herself to be the very … of beauty and wit.
5. Who will cover all their travelling …?
6. She has enough … to win anyone over.
7. To our great …, it started to rain.
8. We resent your … that the debt should be paid at once

dismiss, finally, assure, perfectly, expensive, charming, disappointed, insist

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 dismission

2 finality

3 assurance

4 perfection

5 expenses

6 charm

7 disappointment

8 insistence

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