Complete the chart with the correct noun. Underlined words will help you.Напишите значения этих предложений 1 s/he takes photographs — photographer 2 s/he plays the guitar 3 it washes dishes 4 the state of being able to do something 5 the relationship you have with your friend 6 s/he designs roads, bridges and machines 7 s/he writes for a newspaper 8 he acts in films and plays 9 the thing we make when we build 10 the quality of being important 11 the period when you are a child 12 the feeling of being excited 13 the state of being happy 14 knowledge you get when you are educated 15 the act of dividing something 16 entering a place, or the cost of entering 17 the thing we open tins with 18 s/he is forced to seek refuge in a new country 19 something we do when we are active 20 the state or fact of being great

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Complete the chart with the correct noun. Underlined words will help you.Напишите значения этих предложений

1 s/he takes photographs — photographer

2 s/he plays the guitar

3 it washes dishes

4 the state of being able to do something

5 the relationship you have with your friend

6 s/he designs roads, bridges and machines

7 s/he writes for a newspaper

8 he acts in films and plays

9 the thing we make when we build

10 the quality of being important

11 the period when you are a child

12 the feeling of being excited

13 the state of being happy

14 knowledge you get when you are educated

15 the act of dividing something

16 entering a place, or the cost of entering

17 the thing we open tins with

18 s/he is forced to seek refuge in a new country

19 something we do when we are active

20 the state or fact of being great

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык




3)washing machine



6)civil engineer







13)good state




17)don’t know





уффф наконец-то выполнил

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