Choose the correct words 1. Have/Has you bruised your leg? Yes, I have/has 2. Has Tim had/have an accident? No, he haven t/hasn t 3. Have/Has the train arrived? Yes, it have/has 4. Has/Have they visited Montana? No, they hasn t/ haven t 5. Have you broken/break your arm? No, I haven t/hasn t

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Choose the correct words
1. Have/Has you bruised your leg?
Yes, I have/has
2. Has Tim had/have an accident?
No, he haven t/hasn t
3. Have/Has the train arrived?
Yes, it have/has
4. Has/Have they visited Montana?
No, they hasn t/ haven t
5. Have you broken/break your arm?
No, I haven t/hasn t

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) Have you bruised your leg? — Yes, I have.

2) Has Tim had an accident? — No, he hasn’t.

3) Has the train arrived? — Yes, it has.

4) Have they visited Montana? — No, they haven’t.

5) Have you broken your arm? — No, I haven’t.

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