Choose the best option. 1. If you don’t study, you are failing / you’ll fail your exam. 2. David is starting/ going to start cycling to work. He wants to get fit. 3. This time next week, I’ll be/ I’m on the beach. 4. The ten o’clock news starts/ will start in a minute. 5. Lucy and Jim will get married/ are getting married on Sunday.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Choose the best option.

1. If you don’t study, you are failing / you’ll fail your exam.

2. David is starting/ going to start cycling to work. He wants to get fit.

3. This time next week, I’ll be/ I’m on the beach.

4. The ten o’clock news starts/ will start in a minute.

5. Lucy and Jim will get married/ are getting married on Sunday.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. you’ll fail your exam

2. going

3. I’ll be

4. starts

5. are getting

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