Answer the questions!1. What do you know about Whales? 2. Where do they live? 3. How long do they live? 4. What do they eat? 5. How large can they be?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Answer the questions!
1. What do you know about Whales? 2. Where do they live? 3. How long do they live? 4. What do they eat? 5. How large can they be?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. I know that Keith is zhivotnoe.2 sea. They live at the bottom of okeana.3.oni live eighty ninety let.4.siny whale feeds mainly on plankton 5.Dlinoy they thirty-three meters, and the weight of a hundred and fifty tons.

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