Answer the questions. 1 Do you think there will be space hotels Soon? 2 Would you like to be a space tourist? 3 What else could you do with $4 million? 4 In your opinion, will humans colonize other planets in the future?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Answer the questions. 1 Do you think there will be space hotels Soon? 2 Would you like to be a space tourist? 3 What else could you do with $4 million? 4 In your opinion, will humans colonize other planets in the future?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 No, I don’t

2 yes, I would

3 I will buy a new car

4 to my mind, people will be able to colonize other planets in the future

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