a. They usually …. (go) to London in autumn. b. (Bill/visit) …. his grandparents last Saturday? c. ….. (you/often) eat in cafes? d. He …. (be) ill yesterday and (not come) to school. e. ….. you (cook) a grilled chicken? May I help? f. Mum …. (wait for) you to go to the cinema, hurry up, John! ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

a. They usually …. (go) to London in autumn.
b. (Bill/visit) …. his grandparents last Saturday?
c. ….. (you/often) eat in cafes?
d. He …. (be) ill yesterday and (not come) to school.
e. ….. you (cook) a grilled chicken? May I help?
f. Mum …. (wait for) you to go to the cinema, hurry up, John!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

A go

b Did Bill visit his grandparents last Saturday?

c Do you often eat in cafes?

d was, didn’t come

e. Are you cooking a grilled chicken?

f is waiting for

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