a) _______ your dad ______ (have) a car?
b) Susan ________ (cook) some pasta every day.
c) He _________ (swim) in the ocean now.
b) The dog _______ (bark) at the moment.
e) Where ____ you ___ (go) now?
f) _______ he _______ (sleep) in the afternoon?
g) ______ you _____ (have) a good time at the party now?
h) I _________ (not clean) my house.
i) My mum _________ (not listen) to the radio now.
j) Vegetarians _______ (not eat) meat.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

A) Does your dad have a car?

b) Susan cooks some pasta every day.

c) He is swimming in the ocean now.

b) The dog is barking at the moment.

e) Where are you going now?

f) Does he sleep in the afternoon?

g) Are you having a good time at the party now?

h) I do not clean my house.

i) My mum is not listening to the radio now.

j) Vegetarians do not eat meat.

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