3. Write tag questions to the sentences below.
1. There are many wonders in the world, ____________?
2. The koala lives in Australia,_____________ ?
3. Australia has more than 700 different birds, ________________?
4. Many animals of Australia have become rare, _______________?
5. The Dutch were the first to sail to Australia,____________________ ?
6. People didn’t see any horses on the island,_______________?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

3. Write tag questions to the sentences below.
1. There are many wonders in the world, ____________?
2. The koala lives in Australia,_____________ ?
3. Australia has more than 700 different birds, ________________?
4. Many animals of Australia have become rare, _______________?
5. The Dutch were the first to sail to Australia,____________________ ?
6. People didn’t see any horses on the island,_______________?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 aren’t there

2 doesn’t it

3 doesn’t it

4 haven’t they

5 weren’t they

6 did they

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