3 Complete the summary with six of thewords in the box.money pessimistic interesting generousadvice a beggar positive a stranger politeDanny Wallace became ?_and depressed afterhis girlfriend left him. Then one day, he met ?who gave him some ___ Danny’s new philosophywas to be about everything and more 5towards other people. As a result, his life becamemuch more 6​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

3 Complete the summary with six of the
words in the box.
money pessimistic interesting generous
advice a beggar positive a stranger polite
Danny Wallace became ?_and depressed after
his girlfriend left him. Then one day, he met ?
who gave him some ___ Danny’s new philosophy
was to be about everything and more 5
towards other people. As a result, his life became
much more 6​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1 She. 2 is.


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