20 балов даю Open the brackets and write only the verb forms with the subject in Past Simple (positive sentences or questions):1. at 8:00 on Saturday? (Peter/to get up)2. about these problems? (you/ to think)3. Sam in the bank yesterday. (to be)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

20 балов даю

Open the brackets and write only the verb forms with the subject in Past

Simple (positive sentences or questions):

1. at 8:00 on Saturday? (Peter/to get up)

2. about these problems? (you/ to think)

3. Sam in the bank yesterday. (to be)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Did Peter get up at 8:00 on Saturday?

2. Did you think about these problems?

3. Sam was in the bank yesterday.

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