Disagree with what Liz said
Не согласись что сказала Лиза
Jane got up at twelve o`clock
She had dinner at four o`clock
She went to school at nine o`clock in the evening
She saw a crocodile there

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Disagree with what Liz said
Не согласись что сказала Лиза
Jane got up at twelve o`clock
She had dinner at four o`clock
She went to school at nine o`clock in the evening
She saw a crocodile there

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Jane didn’t get up at twelve o`clock.

She didn’t have dinner at fтт

She didn’t go to school at nine o`clock in the evening.

She didn’t see a crocodile there.

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