2. Imagine that you have taken an interview with Jenny about the White Tower. Write her answers to your questions.

You: When did people begin to build it?
Jenny: They began to build it between 1078 and 1087.
You: When was it finished?
You: What is it called now?
You: Why is it called the White Tower?
You: Why was it built?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2. Imagine that you have taken an interview with Jenny about the White Tower. Write her answers to your questions.

You: When did people begin to build it?
Jenny: They began to build it between 1078 and 1087.
You: When was it finished?
You: What is it called now?
You: Why is it called the White Tower?
You: Why was it built?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

You: When did people begin to build it?
Jenny: They began to build it between 1078 and 1087.
You: When was it finished?

It was slowly finished after 1100.

You: What is it called now?

This tower was called the Tower of Power but now it’s called the White Tower.

You: Why is it called the White Tower?

Because in 1240 King Henry III wanted to make the Great Tower white inside and outside.

You: Why was it built?
The White Tower was to serve as an impregnable Royal residence.

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