2а Answer the questions about your last weekend.1) Where did you go?6) How long were you there?2) When did you go there? 7) What food did you take with you?3) How did you get there? 8) What time did you come back4) Who did you go there with? home?5) What did you do there? 9) Did you like your weekend? ответьте на вопросы пж перевод ненужен​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

2а Answer the questions about your last weekend.
1) Where did you go?
6) How long were you there?
2) When did you go there? 7) What food did you take with you?
3) How did you get there? 8) What time did you come back
4) Who did you go there with? home?
5) What did you do there? 9) Did you like your weekend?
ответьте на вопросы пж перевод ненужен​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.We went camping in the local forest

2.We went there last weekend

3.We got there by dad’s car

4.I went with my whole family

5.We made a campfire and fried marshmallows

6.We spent 7 hours there

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