1)There is…cream in the freezer 2) Do wehave… orange juice 3) How… coffe do you usully drinc? 4)Let’s have…sandwiches! 5)There is.. huge pizza the table 6)We don’t need… ingredients only four ПОСТАВТЕ СЛОВА ПРОПУЩЕНЫЕ ПЖЖЖЖ УМОЛЯЮЮ

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1)There is…cream in the freezer
2) Do wehave… orange juice
3) How… coffe do you usully drinc?
4)Let’s have…sandwiches!
5)There is.. huge pizza the table
6)We don’t need… ingredients only four

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


There is some ice cream in the freezer.

Do we have any orange juice?

How much coffee do you usually drink?

Let’s have some sandwiches!

There is a huge pizza on the table.

We don’t need many ingredients, only four.


вроде так

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