1)Philip has been dreaming (for/of) going to Paris since he began learning French. 2) Be careful. The vase is (breaking/breakable). 3) I can’t (afford/object) to buy such an expensive coat. 4) The machine is difficult (told operate/operating) 5) You shouldn’t break (in/into) when your elder brothers are talking. 6) He couldn’t find any (proof/prove) for his theory. 7) What do we know about (the/-) universe? 8) (A/-) man is a part of the natural world. 9) Don’t (argue/afford). You are both right. 10) The result (achieved/achieving) was really important.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1)Philip has been dreaming (for/of) going to Paris since he began learning French. 2) Be careful. The vase is (breaking/breakable). 3) I can’t (afford/object) to buy such an expensive coat. 4) The machine is difficult (told operate/operating) 5) You shouldn’t break (in/into) when your elder brothers are talking. 6) He couldn’t find any (proof/prove) for his theory. 7) What do we know about (the/-) universe? 8) (A/-) man is a part of the natural world. 9) Don’t (argue/afford). You are both right. 10) The result (achieved/achieving) was really important.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) of

2) breaking

3) afford

4) operating

5) in

6) prove

7) universe

8) a

9) argue

10) achieving

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