1 Why should we avoid using our cars? 2 What means of transport are less harmful to the environment? 3 What can we do if we can’t use an item again? 4 Who can help you to clean up your neighbourhood? 5 Why are trees important?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1 Why should we avoid using our cars? 2 What means of transport are less harmful to the environment? 3 What can we do if we can’t use an item again? 4 Who can help you to clean up your neighbourhood? 5 Why are trees important?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1 Cars pollute the atmosphere

2 Bus, bicycle

3 (ты видимо не дописал, я напишу что будет если мы не сможем использовать машины снова) if we cant use cars again, our speed became less, but the atmosphere will be cleaner

4 arrange a community work day where people will clean the area

5 Trees important because he giving an a oxygen what we breathe, also trees cleaning the atmosphere.

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