1. Victor wrote a letter to his mother. 2. I’ll send the books to you. 3. He brought the book to her this morning. 4. She wrote a letter to her brother. 5. My sister sent a letter to my daughter. 6. He showed the books to me. 7. They wrote a letter to us помогите пож-та поставить косвенное дополнение после глагола и убрать предлоги в этих предложениях?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Victor wrote a letter to his mother. 2. I’ll send the books to you. 3. He brought the book to her this morning. 4. She wrote a letter to her brother. 5. My sister sent a letter to my daughter. 6. He showed the books to me. 7. They wrote a letter to us помогите пож-та поставить косвенное дополнение после глагола и убрать предлоги в этих предложениях?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Victor wrote his mother
a letter.
2. I’ll send you

the books.
3. He brought her

the book this morning.
4. She wrote her brother

a letter.
5. My sister sent my daughter

a letter.
6. He showed me

the books.
7. They wrote us

a letter.

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