1. They … in the zoo now.
a)am. b)is. c)in. d)… .
2. Dogs like … meat and bones.
a)eated. b)eat. c)eating. d)eats.
3. My friends … football after school tomorrow.
a)won’t play. b)don’t play. c)won’t playing. d)don’t played.
4. Dave is boy in his class.
a)tall. b)taller. c)the tallest. d)tallier.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. They … in the zoo now.
a)am. b)is. c)in. d)… .
2. Dogs like … meat and bones.
a)eated. b)eat. c)eating. d)eats.
3. My friends … football after school tomorrow.
a)won’t play. b)don’t play. c)won’t playing. d)don’t played.
4. Dave is boy in his class.
a)tall. b)taller. c)the tallest. d)tallier.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. They are in the zoo now.

2. Dogs like eating meat and bones.

3. My friends won’t play football after school tomorrow.

4. Dave is the tallest boy in his class.

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