1. Remember to get a …… of milk when you’re at the supermarket. 2. We eat a …… of bread a day in our house. 3. How can you lose weight if you eat a …… of chocolate every day? 4. How much does a …… of bananas cost? 5. I can’t open this …… of strawberry jam 6. Sue bought a …… of olive oil from the market. слова : jar,bar, kilo, loaf ,carton, bottle

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Remember to get a …… of milk when you’re at
the supermarket.
2. We eat a …… of bread a day in our house.
3. How can you lose weight if you eat a …… of
chocolate every day?
4. How much does a …… of bananas cost?
5. I can’t open this …… of strawberry jam
6. Sue bought a …… of olive oil from the market.
слова : jar,bar, kilo, loaf ,carton, bottle

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. carton 2. loaf 3. bar 4.kilo 5. jar 6.bottle

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