1 Match 1 have a) married 2 go b) a trip 3 get c) a nice time 4 take d) camping 5 win e) the lottery 6 have f) an accident 2 Complete 1 A person who enjoys giving presents is very g……….. 2 When you are sad because you are alone, you feel l………… 3 This means 100% sure. D……… 4 The opposite of with. W…………. 5 A car that has not got a top is called a s………….. c……………

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1 Match 1 have a) married 2 go b) a trip 3 get c) a nice time 4 take d) camping 5 win e) the lottery 6 have f) an accident 2 Complete 1 A person who enjoys giving presents is very g……….. 2 When you are sad because you are alone, you feel l………… 3 This means 100% sure. D……… 4 The opposite of with. W…………. 5 A car that has not got a top is called a s………….. c……………

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 have an accident

2 take a trip

3 get married

4 have a nice time

5 win the lottery

6 go camping


1 generous — щедрый, великодушный, добрый

2 lonely — одиноко

3 doubtless — бесспорно (несомненно)

4 without — без (антоним предлога -с)

5 sport cabrio (спортивная машина с открытым верхом)

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