1 Have you seen my pen? I can’t find it somewhere / anywhere! 2. Everyone / Anyone went on the school trip yesterday. It was so fun! 3. I don’t want anything / anybody to drink, thanks. I’ve just had a cup of tea. 4. I’m going get somewhere / something to eat. I’m hungry. 5. Nowhere / No one answered the phone when I called Jan’s house

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1 Have you seen my pen? I can’t find it somewhere / anywhere!
2. Everyone / Anyone went on the school trip yesterday. It was so fun!
3. I don’t want anything / anybody to drink, thanks. I’ve just had a cup of tea.
4. I’m going get somewhere / something to eat. I’m hungry.
5. Nowhere / No one answered the phone when I called Jan’s house

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. anywhere 2. Everyone 3.anything 4.something 5.No one


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