1…. go to the doctor very often when you were young?a) Did you use to b) You used to c) Did you used c) Were you used2. The beach in Sochi was…the beach in my town a)nicer than b) nice c) more nice than d) the nicest

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1…. go to the doctor very often when you were young?
a) Did you use to b) You used to c) Did you used c) Were you used

2. The beach in Sochi was…the beach in my town
a)nicer than b) nice c) more nice than d) the nicest

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Did you use to go to the doctor very often when you were young?

2. The beach in Sochi was nicer than the beach in my town.


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