1. Выпишите верное предложение.1. Oh no! He’s going to fall.Oh no! He going to fall.2. Look. It’s going jump.Look. It’s going to jump.3. It going be very cold tomorrow.It’s going to be very cold tomorrow.4. Listen. She’s going to sing.Listen. She’s going singing.5. He’s going to take his book to the library.He’s going take his book to the library.6. Wait! I’m going come with you!Wait! I’m going to come with you!​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Выпишите верное предложение.
1. Oh no! He’s going to fall.
Oh no! He going to fall.
2. Look. It’s going jump.
Look. It’s going to jump.
3. It going be very cold tomorrow.
It’s going to be very cold tomorrow.
4. Listen. She’s going to sing.
Listen. She’s going singing.
5. He’s going to take his book to the library.
He’s going take his book to the library.
6. Wait! I’m going come with you!
Wait! I’m going to come with you!​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Oh no! He’s going to fall.

2. Look. It’s going to jump.

3. It’s going to be very cold tomorrow.

4. Listen. She’s going to sing.

5. He’s going to take his book to the library.

6. Wait! I’m going to come with you!​

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