№5. Допишите разделительный вопрос. 1. They won’t go to the party, …….? 2. This house is new, ……? 3. She never comes in time, …..? 4. They have got a new house, …..? 5. Mary can play tennis very well, ….?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

№5. Допишите разделительный вопрос.

1. They won’t go to the party, …….?

2. This house is new, ……?

3. She never comes in time, …..?

4. They have got a new house, …..?

5. Mary can play tennis very well, ….?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. They won’t go to the party, will they?

2. This house is new, isn’t it?

3. She never comes in time, does she?

4. They have got a new house, haven’t they?

5. Mary can play tennis very well, can’t she?

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