⁉️СРОЧНО!!! Нужно выбрать правильный предлог⁉️⁉️I went to Chicago (for/to) a visit.I take long walks (for/to) relaxation.I’m going to school (for/to) get a good education. I’m not going to school just (for/to) have fun. I turned on the radio (for/to) listen to the news. I listened to the radio (for/to) news about the earthquake in Peru. Two police officers came to my apartment (for/to) ask me about my cousin. Mr. Wong works in his garden (for/to) the pure pleasure of it. I looked in the encyclopedia (for/to) information about Ecuador.My three brothers, two sisters, and parents all came to town (for/to) attend my graduation.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

⁉️СРОЧНО!!! Нужно выбрать правильный предлог⁉️⁉️
I went to Chicago (for/to) a visit.
I take long walks (for/to) relaxation.
I’m going to school (for/to) get a good education.
I’m not going to school just (for/to) have fun.
I turned on the radio (for/to) listen to the news.
I listened to the radio (for/to) news about the earthquake in Peru.
Two police officers came to my apartment (for/to) ask me about my cousin.
Mr. Wong works in his garden (for/to) the pure pleasure of it.
I looked in the encyclopedia (for/to) information about Ecuador.
My three brothers, two sisters, and parents all came to town (for/to) attend my graduation.​

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