Твір на англійській мові про Великдень

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Твір на англійській мові про Великдень

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

The Easter

This celebration takes place before holing Rusland, but it has many difference in the share with today’s Easter . The tradition of beating eggs at first symboled coming of spring and many heatheanish gots , like the got of fertility -Macosh and the got of the sun and good luck — Dazhbog .

Our paska symbols a bread which Jesus has eaten when he was in exile .

And painting eggs in Slavic version symbol a men’s strong .But today Easter remains one of the main holiday in Ukraine and in Christian world . In different countries Easter is celebrated differently . In Catolic countries a rabbit comes to children , and gives them the Easter eggs . Don’t looking on the difference in religion the Easter remains the one of main holiday in Orthodox and Catolic world .

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