СРОЧНО ХЕЛП ПЛИЗ Вставить подходящий артикль : the a/an -(нету) 1 there are a lot of shopping in …. Regent Street, ….. Oxford Street and ….. high street 2 we can visit ….. Big Ben and then go to …… Houses of Parliament 3 There are a lot of old things in ….. British museum 4 I would like to go to …… Hyde Park 5 Who wants to go to ….. Trafalgar Square Заранее спасибо !!!!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Вставить подходящий артикль : the a/an -(нету)
1 there are a lot of shopping in …. Regent Street, ….. Oxford Street and ….. high street
2 we can visit ….. Big Ben and then go to …… Houses of Parliament
3 There are a lot of old things in ….. British museum
4 I would like to go to …… Hyde Park
5 Who wants to go to ….. Trafalgar Square
Заранее спасибо !!!!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. the the the

2. a the

3. —

4. —

5. the


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