СРОЧНО!!! ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! ПРОШУ!!! Fill in the correct possessive pronouns my(mine), your(s), his, her(s), their(s), its 1. They have two children but I don’t remember _____names. 2. I often see that man but I don’t know name. 3. Pete is a teacher but sister is a nurse, 4. Do you like job? 5. Do you think that most people are happy in jobs? 6. Put on hat when you go out. 7. We are going to invite all friends to the party. 8. favourite sport is tennis. She plays a lot in summer. 9. He didn’t have an umbrella, so she gave him __________. 10. He was very happy because we invited him to stay with us in ______house. 11. You’ll give me your address and I’ll give you . 12. I gave him my address and he gave me . 13. I saw Liz and Philip with son, Bill. 14. He invited Ann with parents. 15. We live with parents.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Fill in the correct possessive pronouns my(mine), your(s), his, her(s), their(s), its
1. They have two children but I don’t remember _____names.
2. I often see that man but I don’t know name.
3. Pete is a teacher but sister is a nurse,
4. Do you like job?
5. Do you think that most people are happy in jobs?
6. Put on hat when you go out.
7. We are going to invite all friends to the party.
8. favourite sport is tennis. She plays a lot in summer.
9. He didn’t have an umbrella, so she gave him __________.
10. He was very happy because we invited him to stay with us in ______house.
11. You’ll give me your address and I’ll give you .
12. I gave him my address and he gave me .
13. I saw Liz and Philip with son, Bill.
14. He invited Ann with parents.
15. We live with parents.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. their

2. his

3. his

4. your

5. their

6. your

7. our

8. Her

9. it

10. our

11. mine

12. his

13. their

14. her

15. our

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