Срочно помогите!!!!!!!!А. Good/ well? 1.He is a ____________friend. 2.He speaks English very ____________. 3.His English is rather _____________. B. high/highly? 1.He can jump very_______________. 2.He is a ___________ skilled mechanic. 1.Ann has written her test (well) than Kate. 2.Nick lives (far) from school than I do. 3.Elena is the best singer. She sings (beautifully). 4.They will invite her to the interview (soon) than the other firms. 5. It was a very difficult project. We worked (long) than ever.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Срочно помогите!!!!!!!!А. Good/ well?
1.He is a ____________friend.
2.He speaks English very ____________.
3.His English is rather _____________.
B. high/highly?
1.He can jump very_______________.
2.He is a ___________ skilled mechanic.
1.Ann has written her test (well) than Kate.
2.Nick lives (far) from school than I do.
3.Elena is the best singer. She sings (beautifully).
4.They will invite her to the interview (soon) than the other firms.
5. It was a very difficult project. We worked (long) than ever.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


A 1. He is a good friend.

   2. He speaks English very well.

   3. His English is rather good.

B 1. He can jump very highly. (не уверена)

   2. He is a high skilled mechanic.

C 1. Ann has written her test better than Kate.

   2. Nick lives farther from school than I do.

   3. Elena is the best singer. She sings beautifully (не уверена)

   4. They will invite her to the interview sooner than the other firms.

   5. It was a very difficult project. We worked longer than ever.

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