СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Ex 1.Напишите, что им приходится (пришлось/придется) делать. Употребите have to в нужной форме. 1. She _______ (приходится) buy some food. 2. She _______ ( пришлось) buy some food. 3. She __________ (придется) buy some food. 4. Peter and Tom_______ (придется) work hard. 5. Peter and Tom ________ (пришлось) work hard. 6. Peter and Tom _______ (приходится) work hard. Ex 2. Вставьте одну из форм have to. A) have to B) has to C) do … have to D) does … have to E) don’t have to F) did … have to G) doesn’t have to 1. Why ______ he _________ stay after classes? Mrs. Green, our teacher, gave him lines. 2. Eton is a highly strict school. Students there__________ wear their uniform. 3. ______ you ________ learn the poem by heart? — No, I have already learned it, 4. You ________ buy bread. Mum has already bought it. 5. Jimmy ________ get up early. It’s holiday-time. 6. Tom ______ take his PE kit to school on Monday and Tuesday. He has PE lessons on these days. 7. _______ we _______ walk to school? — No, let’s take a bus. 8. Sally has no pen. She _______ ask somebody for a pen. 9. Nelly is studying literature. She _______ read a lot of books.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Ex 1.Напишите, что им приходится (пришлось/придется) делать. Употребите have to в нужной форме.

1. She _______ (приходится) buy some food.

2. She _______ ( пришлось) buy some food.

3. She __________ (придется) buy some food.

4. Peter and Tom_______ (придется) work hard.

5. Peter and Tom ________ (пришлось) work hard.

6. Peter and Tom _______ (приходится) work hard.

Ex 2. Вставьте одну из форм have to.

A) have to B) has to C) do … have to D) does … have to E) don’t have to F) did … have to G) doesn’t have to

1. Why ______ he _________ stay after classes? Mrs. Green, our teacher, gave him lines.

2. Eton is a highly strict school. Students there__________ wear their uniform.

3. ______ you ________ learn the poem by heart? — No, I have already learned it,

4. You ________ buy bread. Mum has already bought it.

5. Jimmy ________ get up early. It’s holiday-time.

6. Tom ______ take his PE kit to school on Monday and Tuesday. He has PE lessons on these days.

7. _______ we _______ walk to school? — No, let’s take a bus.

8. Sally has no pen. She _______ ask somebody for a pen.

9. Nelly is studying literature. She _______ read a lot of books.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1.She has to buy some food.

2.She had to buy some food.

3.She will have to buy some food.

4.Peter and Tom will have to work hard.

5.Peter and Tom had to work hard.

6.Peter and Tom have to work hard.







6.тоже G



9.тоже В

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