Срочно нужна помощь слабоумным Заполните текст с правильными формами глаголов в скобках. Be sure to dress ___________ (suitable) for the situation. For example, if you are interviewed for a job of a ______________ (teacher), then you might want to consider ___________ (wear) a nice suit or a dress. However, you don’t want to overdress for the interview either. Next, be sure to find out about the company for which you are _____________ (interview). This will help you know if you have the necessary skills or experience to work for that company. Finding out something about the company will also help you ask intelligent questions about their business to show them you are ______________ (interest) in their company. Finally, be prepared to tell them why you would be their best choice for the position. You don’t have to boast about your accomplishments. However, you can tell the __________ (confident) but __________(direct) why you can help their company better than other applicants.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Срочно нужна помощь слабоумным

Заполните текст с правильными формами глаголов в скобках.

Be sure to dress ___________ (suitable) for the situation. For example, if you are interviewed for a job of a ______________ (teacher), then you might want to consider ___________ (wear) a nice suit or a dress. However, you don’t want to overdress for the interview either. Next, be sure to find out about the company for which you are _____________ (interview). This will help you know if you have the necessary skills or experience to work for that company. Finding out something about the company will also help you ask intelligent questions about their business to show them you are ______________ (interest) in their company. Finally, be prepared to tell them why you would be their best choice for the position.
You don’t have to boast about your accomplishments.
However, you can tell the __________ (confident) but __________(direct) why you can help their company better than other applicants.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

is suitable. teacher. wearing.being interviewed. interested in.confidence.directions

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