Срочно!!!!!! Даю 100 БАЛОВ!!!!100 БАЛОВ! 1 Circle the correct word and complete the sentence. 1 The Sami live in a). Europe, in a large b) called Sapmi. a) northern / north b) antler / area 2 Reindeer are very important to the Sami. They a) their tools from reindeer b) a) border / carve b) antler / ski 3 They make their tents and boots from reindeer a). and they eat their b) a) skin / sledge b) meat / fur 4 The Sami use fast snow a) s to herd their b) a) score / scooter b) reindeer / fish 5 Very few Sami are still nomads. Some Sami now live on the coast and are a) -They are a very b) people. g) fishermen / herds b) once / proud 6 The Sami speak their own a) and there are newspapers, b) and TV programmes in Sami. a) nation / language b) radio / return

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Срочно!!!!!! Даю 100 БАЛОВ!!!!100 БАЛОВ!
1 Circle the correct word and complete the sentence. 1 The Sami live in a). Europe, in a large b) called Sapmi. a) northern / north b) antler / area 2 Reindeer are very important to the Sami. They a) their tools from reindeer b) a) border / carve b) antler / ski 3 They make their tents and boots from reindeer a). and they eat their b) a) skin / sledge b) meat / fur 4 The Sami use fast snow a) s to herd their b) a) score / scooter b) reindeer / fish 5 Very few Sami are still nomads. Some Sami now live on the coast and are a) -They are a very b) people. g) fishermen / herds b) once / proud 6 The Sami speak their own a) and there are newspapers, b) and TV programmes in Sami. a) nation / language b) radio / return

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