сочинения 10-20 предложений на англ иском языке про Что празднует моя семя

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

сочинения 10-20 предложений на англ иском языке про Что празднует моя семя

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Christmas is the first and the most widely known family holiday all over the world. Though there are different dates for its celebration because of some religious views, it does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes the birth of the Christ. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a great tradition to give presents for this holiday, as children adore finding them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the fir-tree. Different countries serve different food for this holiday. The Americans cook turkey with vegetables, the Germans bake sweet Christmas biscuits, while the Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main one is kutya, sit at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others singing carols. It is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.


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