сочинение:Getting a good salary is more important than job

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

сочинение:Getting a good salary is more important than job

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Getting a good salary is more important than job satisfaction

Practically every young person faces a choice: to have an enjoyable job which will probably be not well-paid or to earn a lot of money without considering job satisfaction.

On the one hand, money is important. It certainly can’t buy you happiness but it can buy more pleasures. However, choosing a profession with high salaries does not guarantee that you will definitely be paid that much. The truth is that people thrive only when they do something they like and what they are good at. It is a fact that hating your job has negative health consequences.

On the other hand, pursuing your passion can be difficult and sometimes it means having lower incomes, especially when you only start your career. It is great if there are people in your life who can support you, but life isn’t always like that.

In conclusion I would like to say that it is hard to choose between money and satisfaction. It is better to have both, but if I had to choose, I would choose job satisfaction over a high salary.

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