Раскройте скобки и дополните предложения либо инфинитивом, либо герундием. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык. 1. They refuse (go) out on trips if it is too hot. 2. He agreed (start) the job as soon as possible. 3. I’m surprised (see) you here. 4. She is found of (collect) stamps. 5. The dentist told me (be) more careful when I brush my teeth. 6. Do you mind my (smoke) here? 7. I prefer (listen to) classical music. 8. She won’t be happy (help) us. 9. I want you (present) recommendation letters. 10. Go on (read).

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Раскройте скобки и дополните предложения либо инфинитивом, либо герундием. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

1. They refuse (go) out on trips if it is too hot.

2. He agreed (start) the job as soon as possible.

3. I’m surprised (see) you here.

4. She is found of (collect) stamps.

5. The dentist told me (be) more careful when I brush my teeth.

6. Do you mind my (smoke) here?

7. I prefer (listen to) classical music.

8. She won’t be happy (help) us.

9. I want you (present) recommendation letters.

10. Go on (read).

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. They refuse to go out on trips if it is too hot.

2. He agreed starting the job as soon as possible.

3. I’m surprised seeing you here.  

4. She is found of collecting stamps.

5. The dentist told me to be more careful when I brush my teeth.

6. Do you mind my smoking here?

7. I prefer listening to classical music.

8. She won’t be happy helping us.  

9. I want you to present recommendation letters.

10. Go on reading.

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