Прошу вас. ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! Срочно нуден монолог про спорт!!!Даю 30 баллов!!!!! На английском языке!!!!!!!!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Прошу вас. ПОМОГИТЕ!!!! Срочно нуден монолог про спорт!!!Даю 30 баллов!!!!! На английском языке!!!!!!!!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

lately  there is a great increase in fitness clubs. why it happens? I think because people want keeping fit and stay healthy. But it’s not the only one reason. The influens of media effecred on peoples mind. we see  butiful people on a scrin every day and we started think that this look is normal, that we must look the same. and sport it’s not longer the way to be healthy .. it’s the to be «normal». And it’s wrong. sport on the first place is activity you want to do. its might be walking, jogging or football.it’s your choise. sport helps to be healthe not only to our body but our mind too. it’s relaxing, decrease the stress level,oxygenate the brain that helps to think clear. And anouther reason- it’s fun. 

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