Прочитать правило образования Present Perfect сделать задания к нему. 1. Вставить глагол в нужной форме. Not learn, clean, do, draw, water. 1) He __________ English words yet. 2) Stuart _________ his homework for two hours. 3) They ____ already ________the flowers in the house. 4) He _____ just _____ the garden. 5) Melanie ____ the picture today. 2. Составь предложения, восстановив порядок слов и поставив глагол в правильную форму. 1) Polly/her ballet dance/just/perform. 2) Ron/his costume/yet/prepare. 3) The children/ yet/ flowers/buy. 4) The children/invite/ people to the concert/ yet. 5) Andy/ the poster/ just/finish.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Прочитать правило образования Present Perfect сделать задания к нему. 1. Вставить глагол в нужной форме. Not learn, clean, do, draw, water. 1) He __________ English words yet. 2) Stuart _________ his homework for two hours. 3) They ____ already ________the flowers in the house. 4) He _____ just _____ the garden. 5) Melanie ____ the picture today. 2. Составь предложения, восстановив порядок слов и поставив глагол в правильную форму. 1) Polly/her ballet dance/just/perform. 2) Ron/his costume/yet/prepare. 3) The children/ yet/ flowers/buy. 4) The children/invite/ people to the concert/ yet. 5) Andy/ the poster/ just/finish.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.1) hasn’t learned, 2) has done 3) have already watered 4) has just cleaned 5) has drawn

2.Polly has just performed her ballet dance. 2) Ron has prepared his costume yet. 3) the children have invited people to the concert yet. 4)Andry has just finished the poster.

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