Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. As Samuel Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather, and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation. Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens, is good. Bad weather usually means dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or, in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far as the weather is concerned and it is part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing, or even just drizzling or spitting, but it will be wet. 1) Why do English people like to discuss weather?2) What weather is considered to be bad?3) What are the words used for wet weather in the text?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
As Samuel Johnson (an English critic famous for his smart sayings) once noticed, when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is about the weather, and this is still true. The weather is a safe, polite and impersonal topic of conversation. Most British people would agree that bright sunny weather, not too hot and with enough rain to water their gardens, is good. Bad weather usually means dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or, in winter, fog or snow. The British tend to expect the worst as far as the weather is concerned and it is part of national folklore that summer holidays on a bank will be wet. It may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing, or even just drizzling or spitting, but it will be wet.

1) Why do English people like to discuss weather?
2) What weather is considered to be bad?
3) What are the words used for wet weather in the text?​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) Why do English people like to discuss weather?

Because it may be pouring with rain, raining cats and dogs, bucketing, or even just drizzling or spitting, but it will be wet.

2) ) What weather is considered to be bad?

Bad weather usually means dull days with a lot of clouds and rain or, in winter, fog or snow.

3) What are the words used for wet weather in the text?​

Drizzling or spitting

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