пролалжать придложение. 1 you’d better (+infinitive). 2 you ought to….3 if i were you i’d……4 you should…..5it’s worth+ ing. 6 it’s a good idea to…..7 you mught find it useful to. ….8why don’t you(+infinitive)…..?9remember ti…

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) This book seems new to me! I can’t remember HAVING READ (READING) it before.

2) You ought to stop SMOKING. It’s no good for you.

3) Let’s stop TO GET a new roll of film. I’d like to take some more photos.

4) He didn’t stop TO SA hello. He was in a hurry.

5) They have never regretted MOVING (HAVING MOVED) away from the city.

6) It stopped RAINING around 10 p.m.

7) Could you please stop MAKING all that noise?

8) Will you remember BUYING a loaf of bread on the way home?

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